Baby Registry Essentials and Hospital Bag Checklist

This is my rundown on baby registry essentials and hospital bag checklist. I like keeping things simple and compact. This is a perfect list for you if you love things that are highly functional and can be tucked away easily.

I also include a short list on documenting these memories around birth and a few tech things to remember in your hospital bag checklist, because these first few moments are so beautiful but with everything going on most mother’s don’t have the clearest memory right after birth. Looking back at the photos can solidify those memories and bring joy to your heart for years to come… or in the middle of a sleepless night. Lol.

To make your life easier I’ve included links to almost every item on the baby registry essentials and hospital bag checklist. Many are Amazon affiliate links and I made sure the items were Prime eligible so you can get free shipping! 😉

baby registry essentials and hospital bag checklist

Baby Registry Essentials

Hospital Bag Checklist

For Mom

During Labor –

  • Chapstick
  • Socks
  • Snacks
  • Water. Drink lots of water! Hospitals often provide a big cup. You might prefer something easier to handle like this Contigo flip top. I like that one because it’s easy to grab & flip open with one hand.

Postpartum –

All of the above plus+

Breastfeeding –

Breastfeeding should not be overly painful. If it hurts, ask for the lactation consultant to come see you. Ask the nurses for guidance in the meantime. If it continues to hurt/bleed or if your baby is slipping off the nipple, screaming during or after feeding, has reflux or is gassy. Call for an IBCLC to help ensure latch is correct and your baby doesn’t have lip, tongue, or buccal ties. *Even if you plan to bottle feed, getting ties revised is important. See more info about ties here.

For Baby

*Ask if the hospital provides the first pack of diapers. If not, I always go with disposables for the first 2 to 4 weeks. Then switch to cloth once your baby is having less than 4 poopy diapers a day. If your baby is constantly having poopy diapers or red diaper rash around the anus then learn more about sensitivities here.

For Dad

< I asked my husband for his advice on this one >

  • Pillow
  • Warm clothes (layers of cooler clothes)
  • Socks
  • Comfy clothes
  • Big water bottle & snacks. *Usually, there is no room service for the spouse/partner, it’s only for the mother. You (Dad) will have to go to dining hall/cafeteria in between feedings, diaper changes, bathtimes, etc… Your time will be limited so come prepared to be in the room.

Advice from one dad to another dad –
Expect to be in the room A LOT and helping with your new baby. Your wife/significant other might be emotional due to hormonal fluctuations, lack of sleep, learning to feed the baby, and everything else… You all might get a lot of visitors, plus the hospital staff coming in every 2 hours day & night. You WILL be losing sleep too. Regardless what happens, you just have to the bigger person. There’s just no room to lose your cool. Take a walk when you can to get space, but be prepared to be in super nice, support mode 24-7 for awhile…. Like at least 2 weeks. And then just all the waking hours of your life for the next 18 years. Lol!

Documenting Memories & Tech

Key Moments to Capture on Film –

  • Mom’s first time holding baby
  • Dad’s first time holding baby
  • Cutting the umbilical cord
  • Picture of the clock at the time of birth
  • First breastfeeding session
  • First bath
  • Baby going home, etc…



Preparation in the Last Trimester

These videos and techniques were crazy helpful when our little ones first arrived. I hope they help you too!

*If you can’t get baby to settle down or sleep, then you can learn about issues caused by food sensitivities in babies and how to adjust your diet here.

So that’s my list of baby registry essentials and hospital bag checklist. Let me know in the comments if this list helps you or if you have any questions!  

Peace, Love & Aloha!
Veronica Lamb

Veronica Lamb

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Wondering if your baby has a food sensitivity?
Grab the FREE Video, Quiz and Worksheet Now!

  • 5 Signs of a Sensitivity,
  • 5 Action Steps
  • Symptom quiz
  • Food & Symptom Journal